Contested Divorce

Why You Should Hire a Contested Divorce Attorney

If you and your spouse cannot agree on some of the divorce-related issues, it may be time to turn to a contested divorce attorney. A Long Island contested divorce lawyer can help you understand the legalities and financial ramifications of these disputes.

Child custody is often a difficult issue to resolve in a contested divorce, and our lawyers know how important it is to get the best possible outcome for your family. Our team is here to help you create a parenting plan that outlines effective co- parenting strategies and is in the best interests of your children.

Divorce attorneys in Long Island can help you create an enforceable parenting plan so that you have clarity of what is expected of each of you as a parent. A well- crafted plan will ensure that your children are safe and happy while you and your ex-spouse work through your divorce proceedings.

Another common contested divorce issue is spousal maintenance or alimony. If one spouse earns more money than the other, they may be entitled to spousal support. This can be an expensive process, and both parties need to work together to reach an agreement on these issues.

In addition to alimony, a Long Island contested divorce lawyer can also help you with the distribution of assets and debts in your case. This can include items such as property, bank accounts and other valuable possessions.

The division of assets and debts in a divorce is governed by New York State law and can be complicated. This is why it is essential to retain the services of a skilled and experienced Long Island divorce lawyer.

Our attorneys are also skilled at preparing the necessary documents to file with the court. This includes a Statement of Net Worth that provides information about each party's financial status, including income and assets.

A contested divorce can be resolved in two ways: through mediation and settlement or by trial. Typically, a trial takes several months and is very expensive because of the costs of both the trial and the attorney fees associated with it.

Contested divorces are often very emotional and stressful. They can involve multiple court hearings and lengthy negotiations with your ex-spouse. A seasoned Long Island divorce attorney can make the process much less stressful and more efficient for both you and your family.

Child support is a crucial financial issue in any divorce. It is a legal obligation for each parent to pay money to their child for basic living expenses, such as food, shelter, clothing and medical care. Often, government assistance is available to low-income parents who are struggling to provide for their children's needs.

Our attorneys can assist you with obtaining an equitable distribution of your assets and debts, ensuring that both of you receive what you deserve in terms of financial support. We can also help you obtain a prenuptial agreement to protect your finances and the future of your family.

If you are looking for a highly skilled and experienced Long Island divorce attorney, contact Simonetti & Associates today. We are proud to serve the residents of Long Island and Suffolk County and look forward to helping you achieve your goals.


1300 Veterans Memorial Highway Suite 200
Hauppauge, New York 11788